Navine Fortune, Ed.D., is an early childhood professional with over 22 years of early childhood education experience. She is a program director and instructor for the School of Education’s Preschool Academy at Norfolk State University and an advocate who works diligently on behalf of children, families, and early childhood professionals on local, state, and national levels. Navine earned her doctorate in early childhood education from Walden University. Early childhood education is her passion. As a member of The School Readiness Committee (created by Virginia’s 2016 General Assembly via HB 46), Navine works with stakeholders to address the development and alignment of effective professional development and credentialing system for the early childhood education workforce in Virginia. She currently serves the professional early care and education community as the Public Policy Lead for the Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children and on the Board of Directors for Champions for Children: Prevent Child Abuse Hampton Roads. In addition to those roles, Navine is a facilitator of professional development opportunities on the local, state, and national levels and a Child Development Specialist for the National Council for Professional Recognition.