Alan Guttman holds a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from New York University and has served in leadership, management, training, and teaching roles in early care and education programs for 39 years. Since 1998 he has conducted trainings and workshops on child abuse reporting at the national level at NAEYC and National Head Start Association annual conferences; at state level conferences in California, Maryland, and Virginia; and for individual organizations including American Indian Head Start programs. Alan was a professional consultant and contributor to the JAWDA Standards Handbook for the Prevention of Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, and Exploitation published by Arabian Child in the United Arab Emirates. As a former Director of public school district, private non-profit, and Head Start early childhood programs, he has developed and implemented child abuse reporting policies and procedures that protect both children and mandated reporters.
Early Childhood Consultant, Former Director of Early Childhood Policy & Systems, IDEALS Inst Johns Hopkins U School of Education